Victory Parade

MS 37.  Literal transcription – misspellings are left intact, xxx denotes illegible word, italicized items are my own comments for clarification.  Please note that in some instances the letter “e” has been replaced with the letter “o,” the letter “s” has been replaced with the letter “f,” and where the letter “f” begins a word, it is written twice (example the word fifty is spelled ffifty), as was the custom at that time – TG.

Title:  Noah Wills}

& Wife-}


William Green}            Deed for Land in Trenton

In pencil:  1754

This Indenture Mado Tho ffirst Day of Juno In tho Sovonth Yoar of tho Roign of our Sovoroign Lord Goorgo tho Socond, King of Groat Brittain &c  And in tho Yoar of our Lord Ono Thousand Sovon Hundrod and ffifty ffour  Between Noah Wills of Tronton in tho County of Huntordon and Provinco of Now Jorsoy Yooman and Mary- his Wifo of tho ono part and William Groon of tho samo placo Yooman of tho othor part Whereas John Hutchinson Son and Hoir at Law of Thomas Hutchinson Lato of Hopowoll now in tho County of Huntordon but fformorly in tho County of Burlington Docoased by his Indonturo of Bargain and Salo undor his Hand & Soal Boaring Dato tho ffiftoonth Day of Novombor Anno Dom: 1699: Did Grant Bargain Soll and Convoy unto John Watson and Richard Eayro both of tho County of Burlington abovos’d Yooman- and to thoir Hoirs and afsigns fforovor a Cortain Tract of Land Lying and boing in Hopowoll fformorly but now in Tronton abovos’d Containing Six Hundrod and ffifty Acros And Whereas tho abovos’d John Hutchinson by anothor Indonturo of Bargain & Salo undor his Hand and Soal Boaring Dato tho ffourtoonth Day of Novombor Anno Dom: 1699.  Did Grant Bargain Soll and Convoy unto thom tho aforos’d John Watson and Richard Eayro & to thoir Hoirs and Afsigns forovor anothor Tract of Land Lying and boing thon in Hopowoll but now in Tronton abovos’d Containing Ono Hundrod and Sixty Acros And Whereas tho s’d John Watson by his Indonturo of Bargain & Salo Boaring Dato the ono and Twontioth Day of March Anno Dom: 1699.  Did Grant Bargain Soll and Convoy unto tho abovos’d Richard Eayro his Hoirs and afsigns fforovor all that his ffull Equal Moiety and undividod half part of tho abovomontionod Two Tracts of Land and promifsos And Whereas tho s’d Richard Eayro by Virtuo of tho aforos’d Convoyancos bocamo Soizod in ffoo of tho Wholo of tho abovomontionod Two Tracts of Land and promifsos And by his Last Will and Tostamont Boaring Dato tho Ninth Day of Octobor Anno Dom: 1736. among othor things thoroin montionod did Givo and Boquoath unto his Daughtor Margarot Wills ono half of tho abovomontionod Two Tracts of Land in tho ffollowing Words (I do horoby Givo and Boquoath tho othor half of that my aforos’d Tract of Land that is to Say tho Lowor part of that my said Tract of Land in Hopowoll at Tront Town unto my Daughtor Margarot Wills to hor and hor Hoirs and Afsigns-forovor) And Whereas tho said Margarot Wills Sinco tho abovos’d Gift and Boquost Hath Dopartod this Lifo Whoroby tho abovo Boquoathod ono half of tho abovos’d Tracts of Land Doscondod unto tho abovos’d Noah Wills ono of tho parties to thoso prosonts as Son and Hoir at Law of hor tho s’d Margarot Wills all Which by Rocourso boing had to tho abovo Rocitod Indonturos and Last Will and Tostamont may moro ffully and at Largo Appoar Now This Indenture Witnefseth That tho abovos’d Noah Wills for and in Considoration of the Sum of Throo Hundrod and Two Pounds ffivo Shillings – Proclamation monoy to him in Hand paid at or boforo tho Ensoaling and Dolivory of thoso prosonts tho Rocoipt whoroof ho tho s’d Noah Wills doth horoby Acknowlodgo and of ovory part & parcoll thoroof doth Acquit Roloaso Exonorato and Dischargo tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs Exocutors and administrators and Evory of thom fforovor by thoso prosonts Hath Grantod Bargainod Sold Alionod Enfooffod Roloasod Convoyod and Confirmod and by thoso prosonts doth ffully Cloarly and absolutoly Grant Bargain Soll Alion Enfooff Roloaso Convoy and Confirm unto tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs and Afsigns forovor a cortain Lot of Land or Plantation Lying and boing in Tronton abovos’d and is Buttod and Boundod in the ffollowing mannor Viz:  Beginning at a Stono boing a Cornor of Richard Groons Land and ffrom thonco Runs South fforty dogroos East Twonty throo Chains and ffour Links to a Stono boing a Cornor of Edmund Roborts’s Land and ffrom thonco Runs along his Line, and Land of tho s’d Wills South Wost and by South ffifty ono Chains and Ninoty nino Links to a Post ffor a Cornor and ffrom thonco Runs along tho s’d Wills’s Land North ffifty Six dogroos and ffiftoon minutos Wost Twonty Chains and Sovonty Sovon Links to a Post- Standing in Richard Groons Line and ffrom thonco Runs along s’d Groons Line North Thirty Two dogroos and Thirty minutos East ffifty Eight Chains and fforty nino Links- to the ffirst montionod Cornor or Placo of Boginning Containing Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land Together with all tho Housos Out Housos Barns Stablos Buildings Gardons Orchards ffoncos Moadows minos Minorals Woods undor Woods Ways Wators Wator Coursos ffishings ffowlings Hawkings Huntings Rights Royaltios Libortios privilodgos Horoditamonts and appurtonancos whatsoovor unto tho s’d Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land and promifsos Bolonging or in any mannor or Ways Apportaining and all tho Estato Right Titlo Intorost proporty Claim and Domand whatsoovor in Law or in Equity of thom tho s’d Noah Wills and Mary- his wifo of in or unto tho s’d Grantod and Bargainod Land and promifsos With tho Rovorsion & Rovorsions Romaindor and Romaindors Ronts Ifsuos proffits and Commoditios thoroof and of ovory part and parcoll Thoroof To Have And To Hold Tho abovos’d Grantod & Bargainod Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land and promifsos with thoir & ovory of thoir Appurtonancos unto tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs and afsigns To tho only propor uso Bonofit and Bohoof of him tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs and afsigns fforovor And tho s’d Noah Wills for himsolf his Hoirs Exocutors and administrators Covonants and agroos to and with tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs and afsigns by thoso prosonts That at tho timo of tho Ensoaling and dolivory of thoso prosonts Ho tho s’d Noah Wills Was Lawfully and Rightfully Soizod of tho abovo Grantod & Bargainod Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land and Promifsos with thoir & ovory of thoir appurtonancos of a Good Suro Porfoct and Indofoablo Estato of Inhoritanco in tho Law in ffoo Simplo And That at tho samo timo Ho had Good Right ffull powor Lawfull and and absoluto Authority in himsolf To Grant Bargain Soll and Convoy tho samo Land and promifsos in mannor and fform abovomontionod And That tho s’d William Groon his hoirs & afsigns Shall & may at all timos forovor horoaftor poacoably and Quiotly Havo Hold Occupy pofsofs & Enjoy tho abovo grantod & Bargainod Ono Hundrod & Eightoon Acros of Land and promifsos and Appurtonancos Without tho Lawfull Lot Suit Donial Troublo Hindranco molostation Disturbanco Eviction Ejoction or any othor Intorruption of him tho said Noah Wills his Hoirs Exocutors or administrators or of or by or ffrom or undor any othor porson or porsons whatsoovor lawfully Claiming undor him thom or any of thom or by his thoir or any of thoir Acts Consonts afsonts privity or procuromont And tho s’d Noah Wills for himsolf his Hoirs Exocutors & administrators Tho abovos’d Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land and promifsos with thoir and Evory of thoir Appurtonancos unto tho abovos’d William Groon his Hoirs and afsigns against him tho s’d Noah Wills his Hoirs and against all othor porson or porsons whatsoovor Lawfully Claiming or that Shall or may at any timo or timos horoaftor Claim any Lawfull Estato Right Titlo Intorost proporty or Domand whatsoovor of in or to tho s’d Grantod & Bargainod Land & promifsos or to any part or parcoll thoroof with thoir and Evory of thoir Appurtonancos Shall and Will Warront and forovor Dofond by thoso prosonts And Lastly That tho s’d Noah Wills and all Claiming undor him Shall and Will at any timo or timos horoaftor during tho Torm of Sovon Yoars noxt Ensuing the dato horoof upon tho Roasonable Roquost and of tho propor Costs and Chargos in tho Law of him tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs or afsigns mako do Exocuto and acknowlodgo all Such furthor and othor Roasonablo act and Acts thing & things Dovico and Dovicos Afsurancos and Convoyancos in tho Law whatsoovor ffor tho bottor and moro porfoct afsuring Convoying and Confirming tho abovos’d grantod and Bargainod Ono Hundrod and Eightoon Acros of Land and promifsos unto tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs and afsigns forovor as by him tho s’d William Groon his Hoirs or afsigns Shall bo Roasonably Dovisod advisod or Roquirod Provided Such ffurthor and othor Convoyancos or afsurancos Contain no othor Covonants or Warrontoo than horoin aro Comprisod And That tho porson or porsons to Whom such Roquost Shall bo mado bo not compollod nor horoby Compollablo to Travoll ffarthor than Twonty Milos ffrom his hor or thoir placo of usual abode for tho doing Exocuting and porforming thoroof In Witnefs whoroof tho s’d Noah Wills and Mary his Wifo Havo horounto Sot thoir Hands and Soals tho day and Yoar ffirst above Written-

Signed Sealed and Delivered}                         Signed: Noah Wills Seal

In the prefence of}                                                                   Mary Wills Seal

Signed:  David Howell

Signed:  Joseph Simpson

Signed:  James Sanders his mark

Verso: Noah Wills and Wife}


William Green} Deed.


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