Victory Parade

MS 39.  Literal transcription – misspellings are left intact, ax denotes illegible word, italicized items are my own comments for clarification.  Please note that in some instances the letter “e” has been replaced with the letter “o,” the letter “s” has been replaced with the letter “f,” and when a word begins with the letter “f,” it is doubled (example:  the word forty is noted as fforty,) as was the custom at that time – TG.

Title:  Release

            Robert Smith


            Andrew Reed

In pencil:  24 June 1756

This Indenture Mado Tho Twonty ffourth Day of Juno in tho Thirtioth Yoar of tho Roign of our Sovoroign Lord Goorgo tho Second King of Groat Brittain &c. And in tho Yoar of our Lord Ono Thousand Sovon Hundrod and ffifty Six-  Between Robort Smith of Burlington County in tho Provinco of Now Jorsoy Gont: (Gentleman) of tho ono part and Androw Rood of Tronton in tho County of Huntordon and Provinco of Now Jorsoy aforosaid Morchant of tho othor part Whereas Bonjamin Smith Lato of Amwoll in tho County of Huntordon aforos’d Morch’t Docoasod by his Last Will and Tostamont- Boaring dato tho Thirty ffirst Day of March Anno Dom: 1747 among othor things thoroin montionod did Givo and Doviso unto his brothor Robort Smith (ono of thos partios to thoso prosonts) his Hoirs and afsigns forovor all that Lot of Land in Tronton ffronting King Stroot noar tho Stono Bridgo which wont undor tho namo of Jamos Chambors’s all Which by Rocourso boing had to tho abovo Rocitod Last Will and Tostamont may moro ffully and at Largo Appoar Now This Indenture Witnefsoth That tho said Robort Smith for and in Considoration of tho Sum of ffivo Shillings to him in hand paid by tho s’d Androw Rood tho Rocoipt whoroof ho tho s’d Robort Smith doth horoby Acknowlodge and as also for Divors othor Valuablo Considorations him tho s’d Robort Smith moving By thoso prosonts Hath Grontod Bargainod Romisod Roloadod and Quitted Claim and by thoso prosonts Doth Grant Bargain Romiso Roloaso and fforovor Quit Claim unto tho s’d Androw Rood his Hoirs and afsigns fforovor all tho abovomontionod Lot of Land Lying in Tronton abovos’d and is Buttod and Boundod in tho ffollowing mannor Viz:  Beginning at a Stono standing noar tho Bridgo in Kings Stroot on tho East Side of tho s’d Stroot and by William Plaskets Cornor and Runs along tho s’d Stroot North Thirtoon dogroos East Ono Hundrod and Twonty Two ffoot to a Stono for a Cornor Thonco upon a Squaro Eastwardly Ono Hundrod and Ton ffoot thonco to mako a Squaro Southorly Sixty ffoot to William Plaskots Lino in or noar a Run of Wator Thonco along tho said Lino to the ffirst montionod Stono Standing by tho s’d Stroot Together with all tho Housos out Housos Buildings Gardons ffoncos Ways Wators Wator Coursos Rights Royaltios Libortios privilodgos Horoditamonts and appurtonancos whatsoovor unto tho s’d Grantod Lot of Land and promifsos Belonging or in any mannor or Way apportaining and all tho Estato Right Titlo Intorost prosont pofsofsion proporty Claim and Demand whatsoovor Eithor in Law or in Equity of him tho s’d Robort Smith of in or to tho s’d Lot of Land and promifsos With tho Rovorsion & Rovorsions Romaindor & Romaindors Ronts Ifsuos proffits and Commoditios & of ovory part & parcoll thoroof To Have And To Hold Tho abovos’d Grantod Lot of Land and promifsos with thoir and ovory of thoir appurtonancos unto tho s’d Androw Rood his Hoirs and afsigns To tho only propor uso Bonofit and Bohoof of him tho s’d Androw Rood his Hoirs and afisngs fforovor And That tho s’d Androw Rood his Hoirs and afsigns Shall and may at all timos forovor horoaftor Peasoably and Quiotly To have Hold uso Occupy pofsofs and Enjoy tho abovos’d Grantod Lot of Land and promifsos with thoir and ovory of thoir appurtonancos without tho Lawfull Lot Suit Donyall Troublo Hindranco Molostation Disturbanco Eviction Ejoction or any othor Intorruption of him tho s’d Robort Smith his Hoirs Exocutors or administrators or of or by or ffrom or undor any othor porson or porsons whatsoovor Lawfully Claiming or to Claim by ffrom or undor him thom or any of thom or by his thoir or any of thoir Acts Consonts afsonts privity or procuromont In Witnefs whoroof tho s’d Robort Smith Hath horounto Sot His Hand and Soal tho Day and Yoar ffirst above Written

Signed Sealed and Deliver’d In the prefence of                     Signed: Rob Smith Seal

Signed: Jos. Yard

Signed: Sam’l Tucker Jun’r

Perfonally appeared before Me of a Judge of the County of Hunterdon Robert Smith, Who acknowledged That he Signed, Sealed, and Delivered The Within Inftrument of his Act and Deed for the Ufos Therin Mentioned Given Under My Hand at Trenton This Twenty Seventh Day of the Month Called July one Thoufand Seven hundred & fifty Six


                                                            Signed: W Morris

Recorded in the Secretaries Office at Burlington in Liber of Deeds P: folio 542

                                                            Signed: Cha Read Sec’y

Verso:  Mr. Andrew Reed


For the Stone House near the Bridge


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